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This Independence Day, Pledge for Saaf & Safe India

Here are a few things we could do in saving the environment this Independence Day


  • Conserve Water
  • Plant more trees
  • Scroll for more…

Independence Day 2022 is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm across the country. It is not merely a day or an event but a national festival for more than 130 crores of Indians.

The Day is remembered for all those who fought for the freedom of our country from colonial powers. People celebrate it for beauty in diversity, brotherhood, and tricolour with liberty in the largest democracy in the world. The freedom fighters didn’t give their life to see people of the country losing their lives in floods, living in scarcity of water, and inhaling toxins with oxygen.

They wanted an Independent India that is healthy and prosperous. Honestly, if they see us today polluting the beautiful earth, they might think that their sacrifice was futile. This year, as we complete 75 years of independence, it’s a moment of celebration and a moment of recognizing what world we are going to leave for our future generation.

According to a new assessment, Delhi is the world’s most polluted metropolis, with India ranking third-worst out of 106 countries in terms of air quality in 2020. According to the World Air Quality report released by Swiss Technology Company IQAir, India has 22 of the top 30 most polluted cities in the world. Is this the today our freedom fighters gave their life for?

The earth is facing serious climate change currently. India has been witnessing untimely rains. Thousands of people have suffered due to floods. Discussion on Climate Change and Global Warming is the urge of the hour. And well, not to forget, the new normal we are living in, the ups and downs of the COVID wave.

The time to change the country has come. On the 76th Independence Day 2022 when our country has come a long way from 1947, let’s take a pledge for a better tomorrow, a better India. Here are a few things we could do in saving the environment.

  1. Conserve Water
Let’s pledge for a better India this Independence Day
Save Water

The more water you conserve, the more of it will be available for our coming generations. Only 1% of the Earth’s water is drinkable so we need to use the water wisely. Practising rainwater harvesting, turning off the tap while brushing teeth or washing clothes, and using a low toilet flush are common ways to save water. Reusing the wastewater from the water filter for washing clothes, or coolers can also help to save water which will protect the planet and reduce energy consumption.

  1. Plant More Trees 

Plant more trees
Plant more trees

It is understandable that with the increasing population, demands have increased which has caused deforestation. But let’s plant thrice the number of trees which are cut every day. Even though you know this, just to make you feel guilty we will tell you how important trees are. We need oxygen to live and trees are an important source of it. One tree accounts for 117 kg of oxygen in a year.

It is said that two trees can provide enough oxygen for a family of four members. They provide food, clean water, and air, and keep the temperature clean by releasing water vapour into the air by leaves. Trees also combat climate change, help wildlife habitat, prevents soil erosion, and many other things.

  1. Say no to Plastics

Say No to Plastics
Say No to Plastics

It is very important to minimize the use of plastics to prevent rivers from polluting. Plastics are also one of the main reasons for causing artificial floods. Happy River in Indonesia is so full of plastics that you can’t even see the water. We could suggest you avoid plastic bags and use reusable bags made up of jute bags and cloth bags while buying vegetables, and fruits.

  1. Cycle more and Drive less

Cycle More Drive Less
Cycle More Drive Less

Motor Vehicles which run on petrol and diesel are one of the root causes of the toxic air. Motor vehicles release carbon dioxide into the environment which causes global warming. We recommend you use a bicycle for shorter distances. It will not just help the environment but also keep you fit. Try to carpool while going to the office and use public transport.

  1. Reduce toxic waste in Rivers and Lakes

Reduce toxic waste in River and lakes
Reduce toxic waste in River and lakes

Motor Vehicles which run on petrol and diesel are one of the root causes of the toxic air. Motor vehicles release carbon dioxide into the environment which causes global warming. We recommend you use a bicycle for shorter distances. It will not just help the environment but also keep you fit. Try to carpool while going to the office and use public transport.

  1. Use Energy efficient bulbs

LED Bulbs

Small-small contributions can lead to big changes. Removing all the CFL and incandescent bulbs from your bedrooms can save lots of energy. LED lights use 82.8% less energy than traditional CFL bulbs. LED lights help in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. They are mercury-free, generate less heat, and last longer than CFL bulbs. Solar lights are also a great option to curb harmful emissions.

  1. Go Paperless

Go Paperless
Go Paperless

Small-small contributions can lead to big changes. Removing all the CFL and incandescent bulbs from your bedrooms can save lots of energy. LED lights use 82.8% less energy than traditional CFL bulbs. LED lights help in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. They are mercury-free, generate less heat, and last longer than CFL bulbs. Solar lights are also a great option to curb harmful emissions.

Jab ghar hamara hai to jimedari bhi hamari hi hogi

Edited By- Ayushi Mittal

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