Desh Ki Baat

S Jaishankar’s Response to US Sanctions Warning on India-Iran Chabahar Port Deal

S Jaishankar, India's External Affairs Minister asserts Chabahar Port deal's regional benefits amid US sanctions warning, emphasizing broader cooperation.

S Jaishankar: India Asserts Chabahar Port Deal’s Regional Significance Amid US Sanctions Warning

S Jaishankar, the External Affairs Minister, recently talked about the American concerns over the 10-year agreement that India has signed to manage the Iran’s Chabahar Port, and he focused on the project’s advantages in the wider region. In his speech at Kolkata after the book ‘Why Bharat Matters’ launch, Jaishankar pointed out the Chabahar Port deal importance for the whole region.

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Jaishankar responds to US sanction warning after Chabahar Port deal

In reaction to the US warning of the possible sanctions for the business deals with Tehran, Jaishankar made the point that communication and understanding are the key, he also asked stakeholders not to see this project as a small window. He drew attention to the fact that the US itself had appreciated the wider importance of the Chabahar Port in the past, which was the case of cooperation, a historical precedent for that.

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The fact that India has been involved in the Chabahar Port project for a long time was highlighted by Jaishankar who pointed out the difficulties that were encountered in the past that made the signing of a long-term agreement impossible. Nevertheless, he was happy that the problems have been solved and that this enabled the signing of the important 10-year contract. Jaishankar, who made the point that the agreement is very important to the promotion of the port activities, also said that it is the region, which will be the landlocked Afghanistan and Central Asian nations, that will be the main beneficiary of this agreement.

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The Chabahar Port is the high-profile project in the India-Iran relations, which is the transit point for trade with Afghanistan and Central Asia. India’s huge spending on the port’s infrastructure development proves that it is serious about promoting the regional integration and making the goods’ transportation better and faster. Still, even though the US threat is close, India stays firm in its quest to attain partnerships that are good for both sides and at the same time support regional development and stability.

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