

Explore the impressive world of Soul Glimmers, where a love of food, travel, and real connections come together. Enjoy their meticulously blended coffee brews, which are all infused with unique aromas and stories that are sure to arouse your senses and give you a sense of hope

Stirring the Senses: A Deep Dive into the Inspirations and Innovations of Soul Glimmers with Rituparna!

Coupled with a shared enthusiasm for cuisine, literature, and travel, Rituparna and Minakshi launched Soul Glimmers, an endeavor to create distinctive coffee-based “brews.” Driven by a desire to spread happiness through their creations, they abandoned rich occupations to explore the world of food and coffee, inspired by the small pleasures in life. A memorable culinary experience is promised by their specialty menu, which features inventive blends like Spice Route and Sparkling Zing combined with delectable bites. 

1. How did the idea of Soul Glimmers come into your mind? What was the inspiration

Stressed, Blessed,  Glimmer obsessed!!!!!” – that’s our glimmer journey, which has been making our life so much better.  This combined with our passion for heartwarming “meal experiences” is what laid the seed of the idea of Soul Glimmers,  in us. A passion for food, travel, and life brought us together almost two decades back. This same passion led us to discover the diversity of our cultural Influences, the vastness of indigenous ingredients to work with,  and of course brews, food, and techniques of our past that seem to be getting lost in the hustle of life. For a long time, we’ve been experiencing and capturing our glimmers. And as we discovered,  a sip or a bite can work like magic – cutting across time, place, age everything. We like to define glimmer as a “delicious” little spark – a sip, a bite, a delectable brew that touches a chord deep inside. Something that spreads warmth, and triggers joyful memories,  nourishing the soul through a tiny spark of joy. It wasn’t long before our passion for this concept and food merged with the idea of Soul Glimmers. The idea behind Soul Glimmers is to reimagine food not just as sustenance for the body but as nourishment for the soul. At Soul Glimmers, we believe that every sip and bite should evoke a sense of connection, joy, and fulfillment. Our mission is to create soulful culinary experiences that transcend mere taste, weaving together the richness of flavors, the warmth of community, and the depth of emotion. Whether it’s a comforting cup of freshly brewed drink or a delectable bite, Soul Glimmers seeks to ignite the spark of the soul through every culinary creation. We aspire to be more than just a drink & food brand; we aim to connect with people and share and spread the joys of glimmers to as many as we can 

2. Could you tell us more about the brews?

Traditionally,  we’ve always been a country of brewing – deeply influenced by the diversity of cultural,  social, economic, and geographical landscape. Being Bengalis, it meant growing up with varied kinds of brewing techniques and brews – from quintessential tea coffee to interesting concoctions of flowers, herbs, roots etc, etc. It was but natural for us to foray into the world of brewing. We actively got into this almost 8 years back when we started exploring manually brewed coffee. For the last couple of years, we’ve experimenting and creating recipes – both caffeine and non-caffeine ones, primarily manual and slow-brewed. We wanted to look beyond the dairy experience and standard flavor palette of coffee. The idea is to create new experiences for people to explore, adapt, and embrace. Seasonality, functionality, and indigenous  – these are the three factors that drive our recipe creations. Hence the focus is on non-dairy, cold, manual brews for the current season.  Cold brews are elevating in taste, less acidic, and more beneficial due to their ability to regulate gut peptides. These benefits also mean it gives the option of a caffeine drink to people who cannot go for a regular coffee available in the market. Another ingredient we’ve been actively using as a base for our caffeine brews is cascara. Cascaras are the sundried shells of coffee cherries (whose beans have been extracted). The word means  “peel”, “husk” or “skin” of the coffee cherry. It’s a wonderful alternative to coffee, especially in cases when one wants to have a cuppa without all the caffeine that comes in a regular coffee drink. A relatively new concept in the “modern coffee market”, cascara has been around for ages.  Sufi saints were known to brew a calming drink from this. Given the health benefits of casacara and its own subtle flavor,  it’s a great option for the Indian market. The kind of flavor infusions that can be done.

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The other unique thing about our brews is our flavor fusions. Our flavor infusions go beyond the Market trend of citrus/chocolate/vanilla/cinnamon. We use flowers, herbs, and spices- all indigenous ones and seasonal.  And a major part is also geography linked. Our signature cold brew Spice Route uses a decoction made of spices that are indigenous to a certain region of Arunachal. Or Rhododendron from Himachal. The same goes for our non-caffeine brews. The idea is always to create interesting recipes using what we already have, what’s seasonal and unique to us. This way we are confident of tapping into the local flavor palette. Every sip of our brews has a story to tell, triggering little Sparks of joy, and bringing something that makes a difference from inside.

We’re now on WhatsApp. Click to join.

3. Why did you choose the name “Soul Glimmers” ?

 Well, first and foremost,  “Soul Glimmers ” does sound intriguing and interesting …

The idea was to come up with a name that evokes a sense of connection,  warmth, and a sense of mystique/intrigue. The highlight of our “brew & bites” are experiences that go beyond just taste, focusing on how it can evoke memories, create connections, and uplift spirits. The co-concept is nourishing not just the body but also the soul. Create and recreate experiences that bring a glimmer to the soul, an experience that speaks to the emotional connection we all have with food. We deeply felt that the brand name should resonate with our vision and values, and our mission. to create “soulful meal experiences”


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Shriya Gupta

Journalist, Talks about Politics, Culture and International Affairs. Love to see things through the lenses. Short Films and Documentries make me More excited.
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