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Skincare: Tips to prevent oily summer skin
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Beauty & Skincare

Skincare: Tips to prevent oily summer skin

Discover top tips to beat oily summer skin! From cleansing to sunscreen, learn how to stay fresh and matte all season long.

“Stay Fresh: Top Tips to Combat Oily Summer Skin”

Not only does the increase in temperature but also toughness involved in dealing with it and greasy skin is experienced during the summer season. Frequent oil utilization can be associated with congested pores, spots and other rather unnerving matter. On the other hand, don’t fret because when you have the good skincare regimen you can make your skin plain and gleaming for a long time during the summer season. Here is how you can avert oily skin during summer and a sticky climate.

1. Cleanse Regularly: The proper regular cleansing will help loose excess oil, dirt, and impurities from the skin. Try out a mild and fragrance free cleanser to prevent your skin from the loss of its own oils. Clean your face morning and night, in order that oily skin is maintain under control.

2. Use a Mattifying Moisturizer: Moisturizing also equally apply to those having oily skin as it does to those having dry skin. Try to find moisturizing products with non-oily, non-comedogenic ingredients that work against shine formation, like silica or kaolin clay, for example. They absorb excess oil and fade your T-zone shine. Therefore, your skin looks oil free throughout the day.

Oily Summer Skin Care: Tips to prevent oily summer skin | - Times of India

3. Apply Sunscreen Daily: Sun care is the primary topic in any of the skincare routine during summer season. Substitute the heavy, oil-based sunscreen for a light, oil-free sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays and without giving out excessive shines. Apply it liberally and use it every 2 hrs when you are in the sunshine.

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4. Use Oil-Free Makeup: Use makeup items that are oil-free and non-comedogenic because these can help minimize the appearance of pores and keep the skin away from oiliness. Try to find products which are matte or oil-free for a natural finish which won’t make your face overly shiny. Skip bulky formulations and choose instead easy-to- breathe minerals powders or smooth-oil free liquid formulas as your foundation.

5. Blotting Papers: Finish your makeup routine with oil blotting tissues that you can use to dab excess oil and shine away throughout the day. Accommodate the blotting paper on to the oily parts of your face which are the forehead, nose and chin in a gentle manner, the oil will be absorbed without the makeup being disturbed.

6. Hydrate from the Inside Out: H2O is vital in the preservation of the PH balance of the skin, no matter how oily your skin might be. Drink as much as water possible all the time to hydrate your skin and flush out toxins. In addition, raw fruits and vegetables can be included into your diet to provide you with an extra hydration boost.

Read more: 5 Reasons Why You Must Drink Detox Water Instead Of Your Regular Water For Clear Skin

7. Use a Clay Mask Weekly: Add clay mask in the weekly skincare routine to give impurities a deep cleansing and regulating of oil production. Clay masks are great to absorb excess oil, eliminate impurities and shrink pores, which reduces redness for an even skin brightened. Apply a special cleansing clay mask once or twice a week to achieve desirable results.

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Conclusion: Try these simple tips out and you will be sure to have goodbye to oily skin in no time, at least under the sun. You can wipe shine away and keep a healthy-looking skin by obeying a well-rounded skincare regimen and adjusting some of your habits on a daily basis.

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