
Winter is coming: 10 pro tips to be winter ready

Tips to be winter ready and how to keep infections at bay?

Are you winter ready? Checkout this write up: Winter season is officially here. Well, there is something special about this season. Not everybody loves this season, but some people eagerly wait for winters to begin. Be it hot chocolate, Aadrak wali chai, winter clothes or the varieties of paranthe, the season has so much to offer. It’s always better when it’s cold, right?

A hot cuppa of coffee, a blanket, and your favorite novel. Aww! Nothing can replace the joy of these things. But the winter season is accompanied by a lot of infections and diseases. In that case, it is important to be winter ready. Here are 10 pro tips to be winter ready, check out the list now.

1. You need to buy lots of Ginger

Yes, Ginger tea is a must during the winter season. A cuppa of ginger tea in winter is the biggest savior. Everybody loves it. All you need to do is buy a lot of Ginger aka Aadrak. Adding it to your regular cup of tea will keep a lot of infections at bay.

2. Moisturizer to keep dryness at bay

Yes, the season is changing and our skin needs some nourishment. To prevent dryness, pick a suitable moisturizer for your skin. Never ever step out without a moisturizer.

3. Coconut Oil for hair massage

For a good hair day, you need to massage your hair. Coconut oil comes handy during the winter season when you need an instant oil massage. It is not only good for your scalp but can do wonders to your skin as well.

4. Leather Jackets and Boots

Winter season gives many options to look awesome. Who says you can’t look fashionable during the winter season?  A pair of boots is a must. You can pair it up with so many dresses. Apart from it, do not forget to add one leather jacket to your wardrobe.

5. Jaggery in the lunch box

Jaggery will keep cold and flu at bay. It will also help in digestion so after every meal you can have jaggery.

Also Read: Winter Special: How To Soothe Your Sore Throat?

6. Add carrot and beetroots for that natural glow

Winters are special because we get carrots and beetroots. They make for a great detoxifier. Add them to your diet to reap their health benefits. Also, regular intake of these vegetables will bring a glow on your face. If you are not a vegetable person, you can probably opt for carrot and beetroot juice that will make you glow instantly.

7. How can you stay fine without wine?

Winter is the official season for wine. It is cold outside so a sesh is inevitable. All you need to do is invite your friends over a wine party. A cosy afternoon with old friends is all that we need to rejuvenate ourselves.

8. Lip balm for chapped lips

Do not forget your lips when it comes to winter care. A good lip balm can keep your lips beautiful. Make it at home or buy it, don’t forget to carry it in your bag.

9. Sanitizer

Winter season brings a lot of infections along with it. Always carry a sanitizer with you to keep all bacterias at bay. After the pandemic, we do not even need to say this. Do we need to say it?

10. Water Bottle

You need to keep yourself hydrated. Winter doesn’t mean drinking less water. You need to drink plenty of water to flush out all the toxic elements from your body. You can drink lukewarm water to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

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Parul Srivastava

She likes to express herself through her write-ups. She doesn’t believe in doing different things but she enjoy doing things differently.
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