
Top 5 Best Yoga Poses for Sunburn Relief

End your yoga poses for sunburn sessions with a few minutes of meditation, which will work a bit more on the mind and on the healing process.

Best Yoga Poses for Sunburn Relief

The curative effect of yoga on sunburn is illustrated by the fact that it is mind soothing.This article will explain the importance of gentle yoga poses and practices for addressing discomfort and promoting healing. Don’t forget that your body is responsible for everything, therefore, do not try any poses or movements that produce pain or you will step on your toes.Keep yourself hydrated and, if possible, apply an aloe vera gel or any other soothing moisturizer to your burns after the session. These yoga poses for sunburn can be a gentle and effective way to find relief and promote healing for sunburned skin:

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Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Put yourself in a fetal position just like you did in your mother’s womb with your arms by your sides and your palm’s facing the roof. Close your eyes now, tighten up your arms and legs, and let your whole body totally sink to the floor. Try and concentrate on expanding your breath and feel your body free of any strains or discomfort within. Stay in this pose for several minutes to create a feedback cycle of relaxation and healing throughout the body.

Standing Forward Bend (Padahasthasana)

Being the founding director of Akshar Yoga who is also a renowned yoga guru, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar reveals that “Keep your feet width apart with the hips and stretch your body upward. Inhale as you move your hips forward while bending forward, and carry on with slightly bent knees. Get your arms and head hanging however loose and let your head and neck get relaxed. This pose lengthens the muscles at the back of the body, hamstrings and spine.

Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana)

Roll over to a tabletop position in which your wrists are positioned on both sides of your shoulder and your kneecap is placed underneath the hip bone. Breathe in while you arch your back and lift the head as well as the tailbone make it similar to cow pose. Then exhale and start your rounds of your spinal cord tucking the chin underneath. Such an exercise is perfect for maintaining the flexibility of the intervertebral discs. It also relieves tension caused by the extended period of sitting by stretching the spine.

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

Sit on the rug with your legs stretched in front.Breathe in and let the length of your spine stretch. While breathing out, bend forward at the waist and reach for the soles of your feet or shins with your hands. Keep the motion nice and gentle thus you do not try to force yourself getting further down the motion. Such a pose is beneficial for calming the brain and stretching the back.

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

First, position yourself on the mat with your knees and big toes together while the rest of the knees are slightly apart. Sit back on your heels, and place your forehead to the ground, stretching your arms forward or beside you. This ensures the rest of your body is relaxed. You will appreciate this pose because as gentle as it may feel, it works on your back, hips, and thighs, soothing sunburned areas.

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